The Beauty of the Blossom

The Beauty of the Blossom, a sight to behold, A symphony of colors, a story untold, The soft petals, a canvas painted with hues, A painting that brings


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A man is just a blossom of a wound!

A man is just a blossom of a wound

That an unlit candle blossoms

That a herald of the war

Vice of the cunts

Divine by his sins

A singsong of the Altar.

The man jumps into a cave

Freezing of a fire

Silence of a storm

And, dandy of the cripples

Yet he seems devil.

A man is just a bird

Wings cut-off

Liken, frozen greenery

A wagon without the wheels

And, a trumpet without the lead-pipe


Bitter, bitter, bitter

Summer in the dunes

Roses teetered by the winds

Dreams unfulfilled

Paths abandoned —

What is so have gotten here

Rampaging heart —

Nostrils full of sands

And, things seem to have gotten better


Forgotten-by the wants

So much should have vanished


Never to have awakened

(From the long haul)

To have slept-long.

Sleep well!


Winds of summer

You have gotten far — too far

To have met by the desires

Or, to have felt awaken,

To have sinned —

The birds carry gods among you

To have burnt off the dead

Cut-off the alive

Belittled by petty humans

Do not carry your songs

For all one has seen

Are your monsters!

For, a man is just a blossom of a wound

That an unlit candle blossoms

Dreams cut into halves

Left alone to be fathomed

Just a desire!

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