Reshape your thoughts in 4 simple steps!

I was listening to a podcast (Mastermind, Part 1: Winning the War in Your Mind) that explained it as neuro pathways that we create in our minds. Imagine walking over the same patch of grass…


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Origin of an Entrepreneur

In the Spring of 2007 as I was preparing for the end of my Senior year in highschool and thinking about the reality of life ahead of me. The thought of owning my own business first struck. It was a brief blip of hope, then my insecurities pulled me back down to the ‘reality’ that felt inevitable. I had a good well paying job, there was no reason to think I could do better than that on my own.

Fast forward eight years, I’m married and going to college full time and trying to finally find my way in life. With the support of my amazing wife, Kristina, I had chased a few different dreams and one by one they had each fizzled out. And this had all left me feeling down. This was not a great place to be. I felt alone, useless, and above all else unmotivated to keep trying to reach my goals.

Without ever having felt real success with a job I simply felt terrible.

But still deep down there was this lingering feeling. What if I started my own business?

And again the crushing doubt would bring me back to ‘reality’.

Then in January of 2015 my wife gave me the news, we were going to have a baby.

This shook me to my core. We had planned on trying, but it still felt like it would take some time.

Suddenly everything was too real and life was coming at me too fast. How could I raise a child, I can’t even provide for my wife? What sort of husband and father would I be to just chase one shiny career after the other with no real passion for anything?

This is when it hit me hard. I needed a good job and I needed one fast!

The only thing I felt confident in and qualified to do was construction. I had spent seven years in the industry and I knew there was plenty of work.

I finished the semester of college, and after a brief discussion with my wife I decided to start a handyman business.

All those years I had thought about owning my own business and here a tiny baby was forcing me to take that leap of faith and give it a go.

So in January of 2016 with a four month old baby and a wife working full time I opened the doors to business.

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