Robots and the Great Depression in Retail

Amazon is eating the retail industry’s lunch. Walmart has finally woke to the challenge and is beefing up its stores with technology: online purchase and store pickup (BOPUS); smart shopping carts…


独家优惠奖金 100% 高达 1 BTC + 180 免费旋转 team.

Hello! team welcomes you and announces the start of the second Pre sale that will continue till January 31, 2018.

We have successfully completed the first Pre sale on. December 29, 2017 and have raised 2.8 million dollars. Twice as much as we were planning! It means that project has aroused the investors interest and those numbers definitely prove that fact.

We want to inform you that we are giving you the 15% of the discount for the second Pre sale. Don’t miss your chance to buy Me tokens !

Best regards,

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